If you are having an emergency please look for a helpful option below. As always, please call ahead to give the staff proper notice of your arrival so we can be prepared to suit your pets needs quicker.
Emergencies during business hours:
For current clients during regular business hours- call our office at 434-845-7021 *emergency fees may apply
Urgent Care by PawPrints at 434-849-7950
After hours emergencies:
After hours, weekends and holidays Please call the Animal Emergency and Critical Care Center at 434-846-1504, they are located off of exit 7 on the expressway, on Odd Fellows Road across the street from the outback steak house here in Lynchburg,
24 hour 7 days a week Emergency services in our area:
Exotic pets, birds, pockets pets, some small farm animals, dogs and cats- Please contact the Veterinary Emergency Treatment, Service & Specialty Center in Charlottesville at 434-973-3519
Dogs and cats only- Contact Emergency Veterinary Service of Roanoke at 540-563-8575